Bait Al Nokhada Tents & Fabric shades

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tensile shades, just the best

Tensile shade structure also known as Tension shades, provides  the best solution for many of your requirements in shade structures. It is a pre engineered fabric membrane structure ready to install as per the needs. Tensile shade structure is  considered as the architecture of new generation and the usage  of these shade structure is increasing day by day. They provide shades as well as a visually pleasing and efficient solution to many environmental and aesthetic challenges . Apart from providing protection from sun and ultra violet rays, tensile shades are environment friendly and satisfy your needs for green design concept. These shade designs are ideal for indoor and outdoor and can be well collaborated to any architectures, landscaping, commercial, industrial, residential, and cultural buildings. Tensile shades are ideal for Stadiums, sports facilities, exhibition halls, business centers, concert halls, Shade roofs of the entrance of hotels, restaurants, cafes, commercial buildings,shopping malls, Airport roofs, bus stations, train stations , car parking, gas stations,etc.
Bait Al Nokhada Tents & Fabric Shades LLC is the pioneer and leading manufacturer of Tensile shade structures  in UAE and the middle east region.

For Technical details  on Tensile Shades, email to :
Tel: +971-2-555(8368)TENT

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